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Estilo que inspira y magia que transforma
Emmy Flores Gal
22 mar 20222 Min. de lectura
Sweet Licorice
PTA takes us back to the 1970s, a time we look back on with nostalgia, a time of fun music and wild rides, a time when anything seemed possi
Emmy Flores Gal
15 mar 20222 Min. de lectura
Leave the Gun, Take the Cannoli
Francis Ford Coppola had to go to the mattresses to be able to create one of the XXth Century film masterpieces, and he did it before he was
26 feb 20222 Min. de lectura
On the Road to the #Oscars: WEST SIDE STORY
Is there room for a #1950 's sensibility in the XXI Century? I should hope not. Yet, here we are on the road to the #AcademyAwards , with...
5 ene 20191 Min. de lectura
¡La tradición más dulce!
Una de las tradiciones más dulces de la Navidad llega cada 6 de enero en la forma de la Rosca de Reyes, tradición que surge en la Edad...
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